I haven’t posted a blog in a long time because I have been working on the second book of the Pursued by Evil, Called by Godseries. Several of the readers of BOOK PURSUEDare asking, “When! When will book two come out? We need to know . . .”
The second book centers on the issue of identity. What does it mean to have an identity? Who are we as we journey through this world? Everyone travels a different path through life. How do our perceptions of our identity change as we confront the many and unique challenges of this world? With whom and what do we identify? Can one act the part of a new identity without embracing that identity? Can one be born again?
George and Jane Mercy face many changes in the second book in the series? How have they coped with the changes they have already faced? What new challenges will they face? Will they face these challenges together or apart?
I have had to rewrite major sections of the book, and am getting closer to finishing. I still have some issues and will need to give it another complete proofing before I send the manuscript to my publisher. After they receive the document, it will receive more proofing and take several months to produce the printed book.
As a side note, I realize the title Book Pursued has caused no end of problems for those trying to find it on Amazon. I discovered too late that the word “book” was a category on Amazon, so when you type in Book Pursued you get a category of all their books with “Pursued” in the title. The best way to find the book is to search for “Book Pursued by Woody Dahlberg” or simply search for “Woody Dahlberg.”
I do need more book sales. If you know of anyone who loves thrillers with life messages written in the story, let them know about BOOK PURSUED. So far I have only five likes on Amazon, but they are all five stars.