I decided to combine books two and three of the “Pursued by Evil, Called by God” series into one book. I have finished the writing and printed a proof copy that we are reading aloud to look for errors. Proofing from a printed copy is helpful to find problems and errors that get missed on the computer screen. Reading out load helps find sentences that don’t flow smoothly.
After we make corrections, we will contract an outside editor to proof the book. Then we will be ready to send it to a self-publisher who may also read it one more time.
Good writers know they need good editors. I have worked with editors who were also excellent writers. When they sent their writings to other editors to proof, they almost always found errors or sentences that would read easier if changed.
I will keep you posted on how the book is progressing. It is a sequel to Book Pursued, and continues the thrilling story of George and Jane Mercy.
Of course, no editor of my first book realized that the word “book” was a database key-word on Amazon. When you type “Book Pursued” on Amazon, hundreds of books with the word pursued in the title show up. You always need to search under my name to find it. If I could name it over again, I would call it A Book Pursued or Evil Book Pursued.